Pavel Durov accused of physically abusing child as 17-month-old case resurfaces — Report

According to a Forbes report, the Telegram CEO has been accused of physically abusing his youngest child by his former partner.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland for alleged child abuse following a criminal complaint filed by his former partner, Irina Bolgar. The allegations surfaced after Durov’s recent arrest in France and are part of a broader legal dispute that includes claims of unpaid child support and a contentious custody battle.

According to an Aug. 28 Forbes report, Bolgar filed a criminal complaint against Durov in March 2023, alleging that the Telegram CEO had been aggressive and physically violent toward one of the couple’s children. A civil child custody suit was also filed by Bolgar shortly after.

The child abuse case against Durov centers around allegations that he physically harmed his youngest son on five occasions between 2021 and 2022, resulting in injuries such as a concussion along with persistent sleep disorders.

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According to a Forbes report, the Telegram CEO has been accused of physically abusing his youngest child by his former partner.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland for alleged child abuse following a criminal complaint filed by his former partner, Irina Bolgar. The allegations surfaced after Durov’s recent arrest in France and are part of a broader legal dispute that includes claims of unpaid child support and a contentious custody battle.According to an Aug. 28 Forbes report, Bolgar filed a criminal complaint against Durov in March 2023, alleging that the Telegram CEO had been aggressive and physically violent toward one of the couple’s children. A civil child custody suit was also filed by Bolgar shortly after.The child abuse case against Durov centers around allegations that he physically harmed his youngest son on five occasions between 2021 and 2022, resulting in injuries such as a concussion along with persistent sleep disorders.Read more