Week 3 Apex Live Lesson

Week 3 Apex Live Lesson. Week 3 curriculum covers staking, liquid staking, borrowing, and lending


Join us every Gven'sday for a unique opportunity to uncover hidden gems in the crypto market. Led by our founder Gven, the class offers in-depth…

Week 3 Apex Live Workshop

Week 3 Apex Live Workshop. Week 3 curriculum covers staking, liquid staking, borrowing, and lending.

Saturday School

Elevate your crypto game with Saturday School! Join us every Saturday for an enriching class where our expert coaches share alpha plays and insights from…

MV Monday

Start your week off right with MV Monday, a class designed to keep you updated on the latest moves in our managed vaults. You'll get…

Week 4 Apex Live Lesson

Week 4 Apex Live Lesson. Week 4 curriculum covers farms, farm aggregators, liquidity pools, and impermanent loss.


Join us every Gven’sday for a unique opportunity to uncover hidden gems in the crypto market. Led by our founder Gven, the class offers in-depth…

Week 4 Apex Live Workshop

Week 4 Apex Live Workshop. Week 4 curriculum covers farms, farm aggregators, liquidity pools, and impermanent loss.

Inside the Vault

Elevate your crypto game with Saturday School! Join us every Saturday for an enriching class where our expert coaches share alpha plays and insights from…

MV Monday

Start your week off right with MV Monday, a class designed to keep you updated on the latest moves in our managed vaults. You'll get…

Week 5 Apex Live Lesson

Week 5 Apex Live Lesson. Week 5 curriculum covers portfolio allocations (25% rule), portfolio tracking, research tools.


Join us every Gven’sday for a unique opportunity to uncover hidden gems in the crypto market. Led by our founder Gven, the class offers in-depth…