Do You Have A Plan For This Bull Run?

For those of you that have built some positions in various tokens, I want to reiterate how important it is to have a plan for the coming year(s). We’ve been seeing some nice gains in a lot of projects, and it feels great. But it has only just begun, and it important to think about what happens after the bull run really takes off.

Those of you that are newer or haven’t jumped in on tokens that have been called out in the past might feel like you’re missing out. That is just not true. It is important to continue to think long term and realize just how much potential we have based on where we are in the market. That is not to say you should dilly dally around. As Coach Casey says, “Action takers are money makers”.

I must say, I am by no means a crypto expert. This is the first bull run that I’ve even been a part of. What I talk about in this post is theory alone for me, based off of looking at past events and how I interpret the market and future to be. This is my general guideline of what I’m going to do as money flows in, and eventually back out, of crypto.

Let me throw this in here; This is not financial advice.

I don’t mean to be dramatic, but I think that this bull run is going to be monumental. The way things have been looking lately have been impressive, to say the least. When you look at past bull runs, BTC didn’t reach all-time highs (ATH) until months after the halving.

For those of you that don’t know, the term “halving” refers to a part of the tokenomics of BTC. After every 210,000 blocks are mined, the BTC rewards to miners are cut in half. Then that cycles starts over. What this does is limit the new supply entering the market. This is part of the BTC code to help make it deflationary. I’m sure a lot of you are aware, but we are quickly approaching another halving cycle. It is expected to be towards the end of April.

One thing that makes this cycle unique is the institutional money involved this time around. There has been very high buy pressure from the ETF’s that were passed in January, along with speculating investors in general. Just imagine how much the buy pressure is going to go up when the supply entering the market gets cut in half.

This is just a reminder to the new folks that it is not a bad idea start with BTC and branch out from there. BTC isn’t as sexy as some of the potential 10x-30x everyone is hoping for, but you should build a solid base of the best cryptos first before trying for moonshots.

There was a point for all of that, I promise.

Now I’m going to talk about the exciting stuff, the altcoins. By altcoins, I mean mid to low-cap cryptos. While some of our altcoins have been up 4x-15x already, the party has only gotten started. If we’re basing off of past cycles, the altcoins don’t really go crazy until a couple months after BTC reaches it’s ATH. It’s pretty wild how things are lining up.

What is really important to plan is how you’re going to exit the altcoin positions you’ve built and/or continuing to build. There is no perfect formula, but I will share about what I am doing and plan to do.

My portfolio isn’t extravagant, in my opinion. I have roughly 15 tokens that I’m invested in to varying degrees. That number includes things I’m using for airdrop farming. When it comes to serious investments I am watching closely, 10 or less.

Now let’s break it down a little.

When it comes to my altcoin positions, eventually I will sell out of them. For the time being, and at least until BTC reaches it’s ATH, I will continue to DCA into the positions I am confident in. My DCA timing isn’t set in stone, it mostly depends on if/when the drawbacks occur.

After BTC reaches its ATH, or shortly after, I will stop buying and consider that my snapshot of where I start executing the take profit strategy. As a position doubles in price, I will take out my initial investment to that point, based on that snapshot I just mentioned. From there, I plan to sell 10% of my positions for every 50% gain in price. Just like we DCA in, I want to DCA out. It will help to get more exposure to price appreciation in the event you sell out early initially. Those profits will be held in stables until I deploy them to the projects/tokens I am about to mention.

I don’t think I will ever sell out of BTC. There will be a portion of my altcoin profits that get put into BTC, but I am not sure about the allocation yet or how exactly I plan to DCA those altcoin profits back into BTC as the bull market cools off. I would also probably add ETH and maybe LINK and SOL to this list, to varying degrees.

The same thing goes for the Managed Vault. I will always have my holdings there and continue to take profits into it, I just haven’t ironed out exactly at what rate I’m going to do so. Likely it will involve some form of monthly DCA or taking advantage of big pullbacks.

I’m going to put a lot of my profits in ARCre. I regret to say that I haven’t gotten in yet, actually. I’ve been whitelisted for months, I just have been taking advantage of other opportunities. The tokenized real estate looks incredible and I believe it will be a great safe haven as the bear market comes back.

Those will be the biggest things I pivot to in crypto as the market starts to cool back down. For those of you that have made it this far, thank you for reading. I hope my rambling helped you have an understanding of what part of a plan looks like. It is never a bad idea to be prepared and have an idea of when you want to make your moves. Best of wishes to you all 🙏

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  1. I am still kinda ‘winging it’ and taking my baby steps. My next goal is to get to the point of investing in the Taurus MV. Adding small amounts to my wallet every payday. Not gonna lie, I want to keep my ETH & ChainLink (rather than use to invest) as I expect them to go up in value significantly.

    1. We all start somewhere, and for most of us it is with baby steps 😁 and I don’t blame you! The Taurus vault is going to continue to be awesome I am sure thru the bull run and after.

      I feel the same way about ETH and LINK 😁

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this insight! As an avid🤓 I truly appreciate thorough guidance that truly helps me understand the thought process behind the movement. Understanding how you plan to WIN both setting up your smooth entry & tip toeing out, helped me realize how I will. I want you to know that this post has moved me fwd. in a very imperative way, in the nick of time & TY so much for speaking to those of us still crawling! By doing so, you gave me the confirmation & extra support I needed to believe in my developing strategy which needs to be simple & effective at the moment! After reading this, I feel more confident in making moves best to position myself for optimized outcomes throughout this 🐂 💨 & beyond 🚀

    1. That is so awesome! You are very welcome, and I’m so glad this helped inspire you. I worried as I was typing it out that it wouldn’t really give enough detail or be “juicy” enough to really entice people to read through. The truth is, I don’t even have my plan 100% defined yet, either. It’s more of an outline at this point lol. I just wanted to get out in general that now is a great time to start thinking about not only how things are likely going to move in cycles, but how you will be pivoting to other assets and the markets inevitably cool back off. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it 🙏

      1. It was the FLUIDITY that made it both feasible & customizable. It was perfect bc it is simple. PARSIMONY!
        Making it very relevant and actionable, NOW! It’s a🔥 post & those who READ are read in😉🙏🏾✨

  3. This is my first day so I’m just skimming through reading stuff lol, but it all sounds interesting never the less I’m sure I’ll understand what you guys are talking about over the coarse of the next month lol

    1. Yes you will! You are in the right place to get in on the cutting edge info and knowledge as to how to navigate the crypto market. Welcome to the ARC 🙏

      1. Thank you for the kind words Jeordan! Man I’ve been going back and forth with myself for the past month over whether to join or not because I had reservations over my lack of knowledge. But I’ve been super intrigued about crypto for a while now and decided to finally put on my grown man pants and suck it up and at least try. They say nothing beats a failure like a try so here I go!

        1. Of course 🙏 I understand where you are coming from. You made the right choice. I didn’t know much about crypto before joining here. I knew people made money and whatnot but I didn’t know anything other than buy low, sell high. Before the ARC, I really only used crypto to gamble on websites not based in the US 😆 Knowing what I know now has completely changed my life. This stuff is about more than just the money. The technology and the implications it has to level the playing field in finance are incredible. You are in the right place if you are curious. Looking forward to seeing you in class!

    1. Of course 🙏 I was worried it wouldn’t be much help. I know it is a little vague and incomplete but it is at least something to visualize as a plan you can modify to fit your own goals. Best of wishes!

  4. Just starting to read this. I dont really have a clue of what I want to do. I mostly have some of my income in the Taurus mv and then I’m gonna start some yield farms soon, but once I’ve start making gains, I don’t know what to do except keep diversifying into other projects. The thing is, I dont have a take profit strategy though. It’s a challenge for me to think about, the percentage of things like. Im gonna take like 10% of this here and put it into a stablecoin so I wont lose it, then Imma gonna take 23% in this project and put 10% into a stablecoin and the other 13% into another project. Then Ill take 54% of this and put it into the Taurus mv so it can collect fees or maybe even my yield farms or whatever. It’s hard for me to plan for things in the future you know. All I know, is that I have to diversify and then get my roi back then put the remainder into other projects that will make more for me like the yield farms and the taurus manage vault. That’s all I can think of.

    1. I am very glad that it helped! It’s so important to have a plan and be ready to execute. Otherwise you’ll watch your stack go up and then right back down. Thank for reading!